1 | Detailed plan of activities related to the project management, organisation and the operating procedures of the management bodies, consortium meetings and meetings of the management bodies, other means of information exchange, reporting and quality. | 650.84 kB |  |
2 | This document outlines the plan of the Phosphorus project to promote and encourage gender equality in the project, in collaboration with all participants. | 102.23 kB |  |
3 | This document contains a summary description of project objectives and achievements. | 3.66 MB |  |
4 | This deliverable specifies a set of interfaces, methods and an architecture that will be implemented and demonstrated within the Phosphorus experimental activities that are going to be carried out within WP6. | 3.2 MB |  |
5 | This
document defines the interfaces and methods that have been designed to provide NRPS interoperability by means of the Network Service Plane.
This document is a complement for the PROTOTYPE that implements such interfaces and methods. | 332.45 kB |  |
6 | This deliverable defines the interfaces and methods that have been implemented to provide a GMPLS interface for the Network Resources Provisioning Systems (NRPS) and the Network Service Plane (NSP). | 762.34 kB |  |
7 | This deliverable describes Network Service Plane and its interfaces, especifically its northbound intefaces towards a Meta-Scheduling System or towards user client software. | 928.65 kB |  |
8 | This deliverable describes the integration of the Network Service Plane with the Service Layer of the middleware (the Meta-Scheduling System). | 504.08 kB |  |
9 | This deliverable describes setup, execution, and results of tests in the Phosphorus test network consisting of five interconnected domains, each of
them controlled by a separate Network Resource Provisioning System (NRPS). | 1.97 MB |  |
10 | This prototype deliverable describes the architecture and implementation details for the NRPS adapter / gateway used for the Harmony / G2MPLS interoperability. | 1.81 MB |  |
11 | This document describes the advances made in the Network Service Plane implementation concerning a variety of issues. It describes the new features that have been added and gives a description on how they have been implemented. | 839.27 kB |  |
12 | Prototype of Harmony IDB and Harmony NRPS Adapter for Argia | 51.64 MB |  |
13 | This deliverable presents the results of several collaboration activities initiated by WP1 partners. Mainly, cooperation with JRA3 from GÉANT2 and IDC from Internet2/DICE, and Phosphorus/Harmony partners' contribution to standardization and other bodies such as the Open Grid Forum and the GLIF community are described. | 907.1 kB |  |
14 | This deliverable presents the report about the final enhancements done within WP1 software as well as the extensions of the test-bed. | 3.28 MB |  |
15 | This report details the Grid-GMPLS Control Plane Architecture that will be implemented and demonstrated by the PHOSPHORUS WP2
research activities. | 11.4 MB |  |
16 | This document describes the Grid extensions for the GMPLS routing and signaling protocols, with specific protocol objects for G.OSPF-TE and G.RSVP-TE. | 993.15 kB |  |
17 | This document reports the software architecture of the main network elements of the Grid-enabled GMPLS Control Plane. | 2.97 MB |  |
18 | This deliverable presents functional tests on G2MPLS Control Plane prototype, which were performed in some local test-bed deployed in Phosphorus project. These tests validate the whole G2MPLS software stack acting the role of network core controller, network border controller and provider edge controller. | 3.75 MB |  |
19 | This document contains the release notes of the preliminary G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype. It consists of a set of software modules implementing most of the G2MPLS functionalities designed in Phosphorus WP2. | 322.93 kB |  |
20 | This is the preliminary G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype in the form of a XEN virtual machine, configured with all the system packages needed for the correct operations of the G2MPLS software modules. | 552.26 MB |  |
21 | This report details proposed deployment models of the Grid-GMPLS (a.k.a. G2MPLS) Control Plane architecture. | 4.01 MB |  |
22 | This report details the Grid-GMPLS G.OUNI Network Interface that enables the concept of Grid Network Services (GNS). | 1.22 MB |  |
23 | This report details the Grid-GMPLS G.OUNI, G.E-NNI and G.I-NNI Network Interfaces that enables the concept of Grid Network Services (GNS). | 2.35 MB |  |
24 | This document describes the usage of the GAAA infrastructure by the G2MPLS control plane to authorize the resource reservation and provisioning services. | 521.13 kB |  |
25 | This deliverable reports on the interworking architectures and interoperability scenarios between G2MPLS and Harmony system. It also defines the signalling and routing specifications of the HG2 GW (Harmony-G2MPLS gateway) and methods that have been implemented to provide this gateway. | 1.98 MB |  |
26 | This document contains the release notes for the final G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype. It consists of all the software modules designed, implemented and publicly demonstrated by the Phosphorus WP2. | 633.57 kB |  |
27 | This is the final G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype in the form of a XEN virtual machine, configured with all the system packages needed for the correct operations of the G2MPLS software modules. | 735.69 MB |  |
28 | This document contains the release notes for the final G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype. It consists of all the software modules designed, implemented and publicly demonstrated by the Phosphorus WP2. | 1.69 MB |  |
29 | This is the final G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype in the form of a XEN virtual machine, configured with all the system packages needed for the correct operations of the G2MPLS software modules. | 1.07 GB |  |
30 | This is the final G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype GPLv2 source codes. | 7.46 MB |  |
31 | This document contains the final release notes and operations guidelines for the G2MPLS Network Control Plane prototype. | 1.69 MB |  |
32 | This document defines the use-cases of the applications that will be deployed in the test-bed and analyses the requirements that have to be fulfilled by the infrastructure of the test-bed to enable this deployment. | 1.24 MB |  |
33 | This report describes the status of the changes and implementation of the first version of the middleware as defined for the milestone M3.2. | 1.2 MB |  |
34 | This report describes the status of the changes and implementation of the first version of the applications. In the first phase of the project, use-cases have been defined that utilize the new functionality provided by the Phosphorus test-bed. | 1.02 MB |  |
35 | This report describes the requirements derived from the first results of the testbed experiments and the planned further optimisations of middleware during the second phase of the project as defined for the milestone M3.4. | 868.8 kB |  |
36 | This report summarizes the achievements of WP3 during the first 18 month period, including in particular the second version of middleware and applications as defined in milestones M3.5 and M3.6. | 1.14 MB |  |
37 | This document reports on the results of the final phase of application test bed experiments. | 2.09 MB |  |
38 | This report summarize the results of the testbed experiments of the middleware, including in particular the modifications of the middleware made after the first testbed phase, the experiments with the resource selection service and the final experiments with interfacing the GMPLS implementation of WP2. | 642.11 kB |  |
39 | The final report will summarize the results and achievements of WP3, in particular the middleware integration, the integration of the middleware layer and the network layer, and the deployment and behaviour of the applications in the optical testbed. | 1.37 MB |  |
40 | This report will summarize the results of the final WP3 activities during month 25 - month 33 dedicated to consolidation of middleware implementations, final work on interfaces to G2MPLS and HARMONY, forwarding of authentication and authorization credentials between the middleware layer and network layer, and last experiments made with the final middleware. | 817.42 kB |  |
41 | This deliverable describes the result of the development of the AAA Authorisation infrastructure for multidomain Optical Network Resources Provisioning (ONRP). | 1.02 MB |  |
42 | This deliverable describes the results and experience of implementing selected AAA scenarios and GAAA-TK library in the Phosphorus testbed. | 2.03 MB |  |
43 | This deliverable describes the implementation of the generic AAA Authorisation framework (GAAA-AuthZ) for Optical Network Resource Provisioning (GAAA-NRP profile) as the pluggable GAAA Toolkit library (GAAA-TK) and the proposed XACML-NRP attributes and policy profile. | 822.69 kB |  |
44 | The document introduces the Token Based Networking architecture, and describes how the ForCES protocol was used to implement a flexible, scalable and configurable Token Based Switch (TBS-IP) for secure networking over multiple domains. | 633.86 kB |  |
45 | This deliverable describes the experience of implementing a generic Authorization Authentication Accounting (AAA) authorisation (AuthZ) infrastructure for optical Network Resource Provisioning (GAAA-NRP) and GAAA Toolkit library (GAAA-TK) in the PHOSPHORUS project and provides suggestions for GAAA-NRP implementation at larger scale in multidomain heterogeneous technology environment and for combined network and Grid resources provisioning. | 899.42 kB |  |
46 | This deliverable provides update to the pluggable GAAA Toolkit library (delivered in the D4.3.1 deliverable) that implements the generic AAA Authorisation framework for Optical Network Resource Provisioning (GAAA-NRP). | 564.6 kB |  |
47 | This document details several job demand models, and the process to extract the model parameters from actual grid log traces. | 1.02 MB |  |
48 | In this deliverable we propose and evaluate QoS-aware and fair scheduling algorithms for Grid Networks. | 2.93 MB |  |
49 | This deliverable proposes enhanced routing algorithms capable of calculating optimal network paths considering a number of constraints such as the Grid user requirements and the physical layer characteristics. | 2.1 MB |  |
50 | This document focuses on advance reservations in the network domain. | 2.84 MB |  |
51 | This document presents some of the requirements imposed by the Grid applications to G2MPLS Control Plane. | 504.12 kB |  |
52 | This document presents the requirements imposed by the Grid applications to G2MPLS Control Plane. | 473.33 kB |  |
53 | The document presents a simulation environment that implements a multi-domain, optical Grid network and a detailed model to represent applications. | 1012.25 kB |  |
54 | This deliverable documents the outcome of collaborative research endeavours towards the design of the optical network infrastructure supporting an efficient, large-scale and of high-capacity Grid. | 3.64 MB |  |
55 | This deliverable deals with
several aspects of providing resiliency in the context of Grid environments. | 2.13 MB |  |
56 | This deliverable presents four software tools for planning and evaluating the performance of optical Grids. | 614.5 kB |  |
57 | This document describes test-bed design - one of the main objectives of Phosphorus is to demonstrate an application development environment that will validate the new services and the infrastructure developed in the project. | 5.76 MB |  |
58 | This document summarises the functionality of the test-bed after the first phase of developments as a base for integration of the project outcomes. | 899.91 kB |  |
59 | This document describes the tests of middleware and applications and the results of these tests conducted within the PHOSPHORUS testbed. | 723.05 kB |  |
60 | This document summarises the plan of testing of the PHOSPHORUS developments. | 206.83 kB |  |
61 | This document summarises the plan of demonstrations of the project results. | 2.08 MB |  |
62 | This document summarises the results of the validation of the project developments which were done before September 30, 2008. The tests conducted after this date will be reported in the next release of this document. | 2.3 MB |  |
63 | This document summarises the results of testing and validation of the project developments which were done during the whole course of the project. It is an update to a deliverable D6.8 submitted in September 2008 which described tests done before this date. | 3.82 MB |  |
64 | This document deals with recognizing, description, deployment and testing of new types of L0/L1 photonic resources. There are also four appendixes showing answers to the Questionnaire, basic NDL descriptions of photonic elements, vendor independent terminology and description of photonic switches used for testing. | 1.58 MB |  |
65 | Official presentation of Phosphorus project. | 1.15 MB |  |
66 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge produced throughout the project's duration. | 210.78 kB |  |
67 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge produced throughout the project's duration. | 1.06 MB |  |
68 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge produced throughout the project's duration. | 648.85 kB |  |
69 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge produced throughout the project's duration. | 1.07 MB |  |
70 | This deliverable provides a comprehensive report of all dissemination activities that took place during first year of the project. | 1.73 MB |  |
71 | This deliverable provides a comprehensive report of all dissemination activities that took place during first 18 months of the project. | 1.61 MB |  |
72 | This deliverable provides a comprehensive report of all dissemination activities that took place during the whole project. | 3.08 MB |  |
73 | This deliverable provides a comprehensive report of the effort the consortium has made to ensure external visibility of the PHOSPHORUS project. | 731.62 kB |  |
74 | This deliverable provides a comprehensive report of the effort the consortium has made to ensure external visibility of the PHOSPHORUS project during first 18 moths. | 352.54 kB |  |
75 | This deliverable provides a comprehensive report of the effort the consortium has made to ensure external visibility of the PHOSPHORUS project during the whole project. This is the final release of this deliverable. | 450.26 kB |  |
76 | This deliverable provides a report of major European Conference workshop involving, i.e. TERENA 2008. | 128.38 kB |  |
77 | This deliverable describes the general demonstration plans for SuperComputing 2008 conference. | 2.35 MB |  |
78 | This document contains description of standardization activities. | 207.49 kB |  |
79 | This deliverable presents a detailed report on all standardisation activities during the first year of the project. | 146.92 kB |  |
80 | This deliverable presents a detailed report on all standardisation activities during the first 18 months of the project. | 262.48 kB |  |
81 | This deliverable presents a detailed report on all standardisation activities during the project. It is the periodic update of D7.2.2 release 2, which was covering the first 18 months activities. | 351 kB |  |
82 | This report provides an assessment on Phosphorus' contribution to standards published or being developed in the framework of different standardisation bodies. | 157.66 kB |  |
83 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge of Phosphorus with NRENs and other projects. | 182.14 kB |  |
84 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge of Phosphorus with NRENs and other projects. | 277.35 kB |  |
85 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge of Phosphorus with NRENs and other projects. | 545.52 kB |  |
86 | This deliverable reports plans and efforts to disseminate and exploit the knowledge of Phosphorus with NRENs and other projects. This is the last release of an evolving deliverable document. | 786.39 kB |  |
87 | This deliverable outline the agreed framework for collaboration with the United States, Canadian and Japanese partners. | 852.65 kB |  |
88 | This document is a detailed report on all liaison activities during the first year of the project. | 1.57 MB |  |
89 | This document is a detailed report on all liaison activities during the first 18 months of the project. | 2.49 MB |  |
90 | This document is a detailed report on all liaison activities during the Phosphorus project. This is the third release of an evolving deliverable document. | 1.71 MB |  |
91 | This report is providing an assessment on the established liaisons with commercial companies and scopes the second phase liaison activities. | 762.24 kB |  |
92 | This report tracks the trends and developments taking place in changing regulatory environment, competition and imaginative implementation of new business models within the telecommunications sector. | 582.9 kB |  |