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24-28 September 2006
Proceedings of ECOC2006, the 32nd European Conference on Optical Communication, Cannes, France
T. Stevens M. De Leenheer C. Develder F. De Turck B. Dhoedt P. Demeester
121.7 kB |
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14-17 May 2007
Michael Oikonomakos, Kostas Christodoulopoulos, Emmanouel (Manos) Varvarigos
In this study, we present a thorough analysis of the job inter-arrival times, the waiting times at the queues, the execution times, and the data sizes exchanged at the kallisto.hellasgrid.gr cluster, which is part of the EGEE Grid infrastructure. |
369.88 kB |
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May 2007
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, proceedings of ONDM2007, the 11th International IFIP TC6 Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, Vol. 4534
K. Christodoulopoulos E. Varvarigos C. Develder M. De Leenheer B. Dhoedt
276.23 kB |
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19 - 25 June 2007
First International Workshop on GRID over Optical Burst Switching Networks (GOBS), Athens, Greece
Marc De Leenheer, Chris Develder, Filip De Turck, Bart Dhoedt, Piet Demeester
This paper presents an Erlang reduced load model to analyze Optical Burst Switched Grid networks. The model allows the evaluation of job blocking probabilities, in which blocking occurs in both the transport network and the resources where jobs are processed. Additionally, a novel routing strategy is introduced to improve the usage efficiency of the existing infrastructure. |
300.75 kB |
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24-27 June 2007
International Conference on the Optical Internet, held jointly with the 32nd Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (COIN-ACOFT), ISBN 978-0-9775657-3-3, Melbourne, Australia
C. Develder M. De Leenheer T. Stevens B. Dhoedt F. De Turck P. Demeester
89.79 kB |
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August 2007
Thomas Eickermann, Lidia Westphal, Oliver Wäldrich, Wolfgang Ziegler, Christoph Barz, Markus Pilz
Distributed applications or workflows need to access and use compute, storage and network resources simultaneously or chronologically coordinated respectively. Examples are distributed multi-physics simulations that use the combined computational performance and data storage of multiple clusters. A coordinated reservation and allocation of the resources is a prerequisite for the efficient use of such resources. This contribution describes the components of a system that provides Grid users with this functionality. |
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10-14 September 2007
Proceedings (on CD-ROM) of Broadnets 2007, the 4rd International Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks and Systems, ISBN 1-4244-1433-4, Raleigh
M. De Leenheer C. Develder T. Stevens B. Dhoedt M. Pickavet P. Demeester
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16 - 20 September 2007
S.Figuerola, N.Ciulli, M.De Leenheer, Y.Demchenko, W.Ziegler, A.Binczewski on behalf of the PHOSPHORUS consortium
In this paper we presented an overview of the whole research that is currently being done under the FP6 EU funded Integrated Project Phosphorus that is addressing some of the key technical challenges to enable on-demand, end-to-end network services provisioning across multiple domains in a seamless and efficient way for e-science applications. |
680.16 kB |
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16-20 September 2007
Proceedings of ECOC2007, the 33rd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, ISBN 978-3-8007-3042-1, Berlin, Germany
C. Develder M. De Leenheer B. Dhoedt P. Demeester
44.1 kB |
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15-18 October 2007
The 32th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2007)
Christoph Barz, Peter Martini, Markus Pilz, Florian Purnhagen
For demanding Grid applications that use resources at different cluster sites a reservation mechanism can ensure the availability of resources to guarantee a certain level of QoS. Besides computational and storage resources, we see the network as a reservable resource as well. Our approach to QoS is to schedule resources in the network for exclusive usage in advance. For this purpose, a flexible reservation mechanism is needed to meet the requirements of Grid applications and schedulers. |
185.32 kB |
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15-18 October 2007
Proceedings (on CD-ROM) of LCN2007, the 32nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, Dublin, Ireland
T. Stevens J. Vermeir M. De Leenheer C. Develder F. De Turck B. Dhoedt P. Demeester
255.77 kB |
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10-13 December 2007
e-Science and Grid Computing, IEEE International Conference on Volume, Pages: 271278 - 271278
Panagiotis Kokkinos, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos, Nikolaos D. Doulamis
In this work authors propose a framework for Grid Networks that provides deterministic delay guarantees to its Guaranteed Service (GS) users and best effort service to its Best Effort (BE) imentally analyzed. |
146.18 kB |
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December 2007
Communications and Networks, Vol. 9
T. Stevens M. De Leenheer C. Develder F. De Turck B. Dhoedt P. Demeester
417.83 kB |
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3rd International Conference on Networking and Services
Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Gkamas, V. and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
293.49 kB |
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e-Science, pages 271-278
Kokkinos, Panagiotis, Varvarigos, Emmanouel and Doulamis, N.
146.18 kB |
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11th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM)
Develder, C., De Leenheer, M., Dhoedt, B., Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
363.57 kB |
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7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid)
Oikonomakos, M., Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
123.96 kB |
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Springer Journal of Grid Computing, volume 6, pages 77-101
Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Gkamas, V. and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
704.28 kB |
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March 2008
12th Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), Vilanova i la Geltru, Spain
M. De Leenheer, C. Develder, J. Vermeir, J. Buysse, F. De Turck, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester
IFIP ONDM2008 travel grant award |
426.42 kB |
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March 2008
Konstantinos Christodoulopoulos, Vasileios Gkamas, Emmanouel A. Varvarigos
In this study, we present a thorough analysis of the job arrival process in the EGEE infrastructure and of the time durations a job spends at different states in the EGEE environment. We define four delay components of the total job delay and model each component separately. |
704.28 kB |
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4 April 2008
Radoslaw Krzywania, PSNC
The presentation describes the potential usage of GMPLS and G2MPLS signalling protocols as a background for building a control plane for L1 and L2 network management. |
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19-22 May 2008
E. Escalona, G. Zervas, R. Nejabati, D. Simeonidou, G. Markidis, A. Tzanakaki, G. Carrozzo, N. Ciulli, B. Belter, A. Binczewski
This paper identifies and discusses the main issues and considerations that arise by network research and educational networks and network operators in order to facilitate the dissemination of G2MPLS control plane. |
365.15 kB |
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22-26 June 2008
Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), ISBN 978-1-4244-2625-6, Athens, Greece, pp. 150-153
C. Develder, M. De Leenheer, T. Stevens, B. Dhoedt, G. Markidis, A. Tzanakaki
This paper proposes a novel anycast proxy architecture, which extends the anycast principle to a multi-domain scenario. |
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June 2008
ICTON 2008, Tu.A3.1, Athens, Greece
Anna Tzanakaki, George Markidis, Kostas Katrinis
This paper studies the use of WDM in core optical networks with focus on resilience issues. More specifically the use and suitability of WDM to support differentiated survivability requirements of traffic generated by different applications are investigated. |
83.27 kB |
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June 2008
Journal of Optical Networking, vol. 7, no 6, pp. 564-572
George Markidis, Anna Tzanakaki
This paper focuses on providing resilience in WDM optical networks supporting differentiated survivability traffic requirements. The work is based on the backup multiplexing technique in order to facilitate efficient resource sharing and investigates different routing and wavelength assignment schemes that considerably enhance the spare capacity utilization. |
72.19 kB |
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June 2008
IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Multi-Domain Optical Networks: Issues and Challenges,Volume 46, Issue 6, Pages: 128 - 137
G.Zervas, E.Escalona, R.Nejabati, D.Simeonidou, G.Carrozzo, N.Ciulli, B.Belter, A.Binczewski, M.Stroinski, A.Tzanakaki, G. Markidis
This article describes the GNS (Grid Network Services) requirements such as Grid resource discovery, service resiliency, Authorization Authentication Accounting (AAA) and advance reservation services, which are the main trigger factors of the G2MPLS control plane architectures (Overlay and Integrated), services procedures and the Grid-enabled network interfaces provided by IST Phosphorus project. |
668.18 kB |
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June 2008
Elsevier Journal on Optical Switching and Networking, Optical Switching and Networking, Volume 5, Issues 2-3, Pages 85-93 "Advances in IP-Optical Networking for IP Quad-play Traffic and Services"
Jeroen van der Ham, Freek Dijkstra, Paola Grosso, Ronald van der Pol, Andree Toonk, Cees de Laat
873.84 kB |
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16 July 2008
Computer Networks, Volume 52, Issue 10, Pages 1927-1937, " Challenges and Opportunities in Advanced Optical Networking"
Freek Dijkstra, Bert Andree, Karst Koymans, Jeroen van der Ham, Paola Grosso, Cees de Laat
410.84 kB |
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August 2008
C. Develder B. Dhoedt B. Mukherjee P. Demeester
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September 2008
GOPS 2008, Broadnets 2008
George Markidis, Anna Tzanakaki
This paper addresses the problem of survivable lightpath provisioning in wavelength division multiplexed networks taking into consideration the optical signal performance degradation triggered by the physical impairments of transparent optical networks as a routing constraint. This work proposes a resource efficient provisioning scheme that takes into consideration both working and protecion traffic. |
551.31 kB |
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September 2008
International Workshop on Optical Burst/Packet Switching (WOBS)
M. De Leenheer, C. Develder, J. Buysse, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester
122.22 kB |
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8-10 October 2008
2nd Int. Conf. on Networks for Grid Applications, Beijing, China
C. Develder, M. Pickavet, B. Dhoedt, P. Demeester
604.84 kB |
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Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks
Christoph Barz, Uli Bornhauser, Peter Martini, Markus Pilz
The usage of static timeslots is a well-known approach to handling advance reservations in the scope of Grid resource management. In this paper we enhance the timeslot-based approach by introducing dynamic timeslots and the notion of granularity. The main contribution is the development of an analytical model of the interrelation between user and system parameters in order to describe their impact on system efficiency and responsiveness. |
403.82 kB |
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Campus-Wide Information Systems, Pages: 273-286
B.Belter, A.Binczewski, G.Carrozzo, N.Ciulli, E.Escalona, G.Markidis, R.Nejabati, D.Simeonidou, M.Stroinski, A.Tzanakaki, G. Zervas
This article introduces the concept of the Grid-GMPLS control plane architecture with particular focus on new services, deployment models, and interoperability issues of Grid-GMPLS and GMPLS control planes. |
945.43 kB |
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8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2008), pages 722-727, CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France
Kokkinos, Panagiotis, Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Kretsis, Aristotelis and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
312.89 kB |
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8th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2008), pages 17-24, CCGrid 2008, Lyon, France
Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Doulamis, N. and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
587.35 kB |
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Varvarigos, Emmanouel, Sourlas, Vasileios and Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos
320.87 kB |
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Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems
Stevens, T, De Leenheer, M., Develder, C., Dhoedt, B., Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos, Kokkinos, Panagiotis and Varvarigos, Emmanouel
2.3 MB |
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Elsevier Computer Networks, volume 52
Varvarigos, Emmanouel, Sourlas, Vasileios and Christodoulopoulos, Konstantinos
1.4 MB |
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February 2009
Future Generations Computer Systems, Vol 25, issue 2, pages 153-160
Gommans, L., L. Xu, Y. Demchenko, A. Wan, M. Cristea, R. Meijer, C. de Laat
142.89 kB |